Category: Reverse Mortgage

Understanding Your Parents’ Reverse Mortgage

Reverse Mortgage

If your parents have mentioned they are considering a reverse mortgage, you probably have some questions. People who are still relatively young don’t have much reason to be familiar with these loans, and often when they do, they might have a negative impression. After all, there is quite a lot of misinformation surrounding them, and… Read more »

Reverse Mortgage Counseling Is A Crucial Step

Reverse Mortgage Counseling

There are numerous reverse mortgage myths out there, and one of the most persisting ones is that these loans are predatory and take advantage of those who need money in their older age. This is patently false; not only are these loans helpful and their terms transparent, but those who are interested must meet with… Read more »

How You Can Spend Your Reverse Mortgage Funds

reverse mortgage

A reverse mortgage is helpful for many because it helps provide financial flexibility. It turns the equity you’ve built in your home into spendable, liquid funds. When you qualify for one, you can not only choose how you receive your money but you can also spend it on pretty much anything you’d like. This makes… Read more »

Can I Lose My Home With A Reverse Mortgage?

Reverse Mortgage

There are lots of myths surrounding reverse mortgages. They have been demonized for years and the misinformation surrounding them continues to mount. In reality, they are really helpful tools that have little to no downside for those who qualify. One of the most persistent myths about reverse mortgages is that you can lose your home… Read more »

Misconceptions About Reverse Mortgages

reverse mortgage

Reverse mortgages can be immensely helpful for those aged 62 years or older. They can free up the necessary funds so individuals can live out their retirement on their own terms and worry less about financial issues. While many can benefit from these loans, significant stigmas surround them. These are mostly rooted in misinformation and… Read more »

Ways To Receive Funds With A Reverse Mortgage

Reverse Mortgage

It is well known that people take out reverse mortgages on their homes to receive money. They are a helpful tool for those aged 62 years or older and need funds to live their lives to the fullest. However, not many people know that you can receive this money in several different ways. Everyone has… Read more »

Reverse Mortgage If You Owe Money On Your Home

reverse mortgage

There are a few eligibility requirements to qualify for a reverse mortgage. The biggest one is being 62 years of age or older. Another is that you must live in your primary residence — the one you are taking the reverse mortgage out on — for most of the year. A point of confusion for… Read more »

Financial Planning For 2022

Financial Planning

It has undoubtedly been a whirlwind of a year, and many of us are eagerly awaiting 2022. With that said, we are facing immense amounts of uncertainty, especially when it comes to finances. Because of this, it is important to take stock of your current financial situation and goals and see how you can meet… Read more »

Financial Planning For 2022

Financial Planning

It has undoubtedly been a whirlwind of a year, and many of us are eagerly awaiting 2022. With that said, we are facing immense amounts of uncertainty, especially when it comes to finances. Because of this, it is important to take stock of your current financial situation and goals and see how you can meet… Read more »

Selling Your Home With A Reverse Mortgage

selling home with reverse mortgage

Selling a house is a big undertaking. It requires a lot of planning and patience, but for those that need it, it is well worth it in order to find a more appropriate home. For those who already have a reverse mortgage on their home, selling is quite a bit more complicated. In today’s blog,… Read more »