If you are like many retired families, a large portion of your net worth is tied up in your home. While there are benefits to having a stable place to keep your money, this can limit you when you make decisions regarding your investments. When you reach the age of 62, there is a way to convert your existing home equity into usable capital that you can use for a variety of purposes. Whether you want to purchase a second home or simply boost your retirement account, talk to your financial advisor about an FHA-backed HECM loan.
With our team of local Frisco, TX financial experts at FHL Texas, you have a guide to the world of reverse mortgages. These are becoming increasingly popular with retired individuals looking to make a change, so take the time to meet and discuss your options. By converting your home equity into cash, you give yourself more flexibility in your retirement. Take control of your finances and make the decisions that are right for your family with a HECM loan! (more…)