People build their savings in different ways. One way to grow your net worth over time is to become a homeowner, something that provides you stability and a place to call your own along with the opportunity to grow your equity. For qualifying homeowners ages 62 and older, the equity built up through the years can help you enjoy significant financial support, as you can pursue a reverse mortgage. This is a kind of loan that does not require regular payments on your end—instead, you will continue to receive money, which you can use as you see fit. With these funds, you can prepare for retirement more easily, pursue new investment opportunities, make home repairs, or make any other choices that suit you.
Reverse mortgages offer flexibility in more than just how you use them. You can review different disbursal options and different plans to make sure that yours is truly what you need. FHL Texas provides valuable guidance to homeowners interested in this kind of loan. We can help you understand the value of choosing a traditional HECM loan or the new Equity Elite option, and we can help you decide on which type of disbursal makes sense for you in the long run. We offer this support in addition to guidance at the start of your inquiry to make sure a reverse mortgage will be the long-term financial plan that best serves you. (more…)