There is a fixed age requirement to qualify for a reverse mortgage—before you can apply, everyone whose name is on your home title needs to be at least 62. With that said, you may have already reached this age, but you can still feel as though you are not at the point in your life where this kind of loan makes sense for you. It is important to have a sense of your long-term plans set before you commit to one, as a reverse mortgage is tied to you remaining in your home. That being said, when you are a good candidate, applying early can benefit you in many ways!
FHL Texas understands that people often have questions about reverse mortgages and the advantages to securing them. Beyond the questions of whether you qualify, you can have an interest in what terms are available, and what yours will do for your retirement plans. We provide thorough reviews of what to expect. You even meet with an FHA-approved counselor to make sure this is the right step! For those who will see benefits to securing this kind of loan, we can offer guidance on the available terms. Those who have no immediate plans for the sum they receive can actually grow what they earn by accepting it as a line of credit! (more…)